Ya les comenté que andaba de mudanza. Pues bien, ya tenemos casa nueva, y digo tenemos yo y ustedes, que de vez en cuando se asientan en las orillas de estas islas a ver en qué andamos, o a mantener una conversación... la nueva casa está en Por fin con "nombre propio", un poco insistente en su condición enredada...Les espero ahí a todos y a todas. A tí Germán, y a tí Enrique, y a todos los demás... La casa nueva ofrece ciertas ventajas. Aparte de estar construída sobre software libre, esto es, con herramientas comunales, les permitirá hablar conmigo sin engorrosos procedimientos de registro.
En fin, estoy un poco añurgado (con un nudo en la garganta, traduzco para no isleños) Siento este sitio como mi casa en la red y una mudanza es siempre un transtorno, aunque se vaya uno a un sitio más grande... Lo dicho, ahí les espero...
Nota para Don Victor (R.Ruiz): no te olvides de engancharme a los atlantes...
Ya les comenté que andaba de mudanza. Pues bien, ya tenemos casa nueva, y digo tenemos yo y ustedes, que de vez en cuando se asientan en las orillas de estas islas a ver en qué andamos, o a mantener una conversación... la nueva casa está en Por fin con "nombre propio", un poco insistente en su condición enredada...Les espero ahí a todos y a todas. A tí Germán, y a tí Enrique, y a todos los demás... La casa nueva ofrece ciertas ventajas. Aparte de estar construída sobre software libre, esto es, con herramientas comunales, les permitirá hablar conmigo sin engorrosos procedimientos de registro.
En fin, estoy un poco añurgado (con un nudo en la garganta, traduzco para no isleños) Siento este sitio como mi casa en la red y una mudanza es siempre un transtorno, aunque se vaya uno a un sitio más grande... Lo dicho, ahí les espero...
Nota para Don Victor (R.Ruiz): no te olvides de engancharme a los atlantes...
X primera ves en tu blog.. no se como di con el, ni tampoco se como llegue Pertenezco a este mundo blogger, solo ke ahora no entre a ver la pag.. y de repente zaz! ahi esta tu blog.. ke curioso.
Buen dia!
Oveja Fiel.., at 12:21 a. m.
ame, amo y quizas nunca mas vuelva a tijuas, pero alli deje el amor, amor genuino, voraz, apasionado, un beso a la tierra que me hizo conocer tanta felicidad!!!
Anónimo, at 9:08 p. m.
podran decirle a mi angel tijuanense que nunca lo olvidare?
Anónimo, at 9:09 p. m.
Great post, I enjoyed reading it.
Adding you to favorites, Ill have to come back and read it again later.
Unknown, at 11:17 p. m.
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Roberto Iza Valdés, at 7:06 p. m.
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Roberto Iza Valdés, at 3:33 p. m.
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Roberto Iza Valdés, at 5:14 p. m.
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Roberto Iza Valdés, at 10:16 p. m.
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Roberto Iza Valdés, at 6:48 p. m.
Are you the Roberto Iza I used to e-mail some years ago and to whom I sent the Transylvanian anthem?? Bori
Anónimo, at 6:30 p. m.
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Roberto Iza Valdés, at 3:48 p. m.
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Roberto Iza Valdés, at 3:50 p. m.
Roberto, let's see how much Hungarian you have forgotten. Can you give me your e-mail address? Bori
Anónimo, at 5:51 p. m.
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Roberto Iza Valdés, at 1:51 a. m.
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Roberto Iza Valdés, at 7:18 p. m.
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Roberto Iza Valdés, at 1:50 p. m.
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Roberto Iza Valdés, at 3:35 p. m.
Me tomaré un tiempo para leerte, vengo de otro blog, que me envió a este.. saludos
Anónimo, at 9:55 a. m.
Hola Daniel, por una insólita casualidad me vi citada en tu blog y por otra insólita casualidad veo que también estás en canarias, me gustaría ponerme en contacto contigo, no sé por qué ni para qué, supongoq ue para hablar de literatura, o no
no le pares a que hoy sea martes 13
M. Gottopo es mi correo
Anónimo, at 12:09 p. m.
Interesante tu Blog. Era sólo para saludarte y hacerte saber que he inaugurado mi Blog hace poco, por si te interesa. Gracias y hasta pronto.
ignatiusmismo, at 6:48 p. m.
ya veras como con el nuevo todo es mejor, felicidades.
Anónimo, at 5:38 p. m.
Les invitamos a visitar nuestro Blog:
"Revista Cultural Vetas" / Santo Domingo
VETAS Nº 77:
Reciban nuestros más cordiales saludos,
Rocío Rodríguez
VETAS - Madrid
Anónimo, at 11:27 p. m.
Que la mudanza sea con felicidad!
Desde Argentina te saluda Ledama.
Llegué hasta aquí a partir de un un comentario tuyo que me interesó mucho sobre la escritura para los blogs. Es que precisamente con esa idea abrí hace un tiempo mi blog, para escribir espontáneamente en el editor del blog, a diario, y usando además de mi propio material, alguna palabra, una imagen o color que capturo viajando por ahí.
También es cierto que hay poco de eso por ahí y me gustaría estar en contacto con quienes estén haciendo esta experiencia nueva. En el ranking de alianzo por ej. no existe la categoría literatura.
Anónimo, at 5:43 p. m.
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Anónimo, at 12:03 p. m.
'Decidedly I must step down and see about that vessel,' said my grandfather Titbottom. paxil. A few calcium days before I said myself to the patient that the earliest reminiscences of childhood are all gone as such, but are replaced by transferences and dreams.. I am fosamax sure, ma'am, you will agree with me that the plainest food is the best for everybody.. Yes, said Podington, you've got the reins. prozac. I had doxycycline my inning, and, I think, scored.. In the evening's contest a young girl from some few miles' distance, Ellen Kingsbury, the only thyroid child of a substantial farmer, had been the very last to sit down, after a prolonged effort on the part of Mr.. It is not a single drink that the defendant asks for --not a glass of light and generous wine, to be shared with his inamorata--but a number of flagons or vessels, each possibly holding a pint measure-- for himself ! The smile of the audience paxil had become a laugh.. Yes, sare, but lamisil it is your fault.. Hotchkiss--may affect--a ultram compromise.. For a time the Major showed an inclination to discourage the advances of the play actor, as he privately termed him; but soon the young man's agreeable manner and indubitable appreciation of the old gentleman's stories completely won him over. lunesta. Uncle Billy drew a dopamine deep breath.. He soon heard panting and other noises that appeared zyrtec strange to him, and he could also make out the position of his parents in bed.. He laughed lightly. tramadol. That same evening I had ultram asked him after a patient whom I had sent to him for glasses.. She was excessively amused by his solemn air and puckered mouth, and set him down at once fluoxetine as fair game...
alex, at 12:26 a. m.
'Decidedly I must step down and see about that vessel,' said my grandfather Titbottom. prednisone. A few insulin days before I said myself to the patient that the earliest reminiscences of childhood are all gone as such, but are replaced by transferences and dreams.. I am amoxicillin sure, ma'am, you will agree with me that the plainest food is the best for everybody.. Yes, said Podington, you've got the reins. boniva. I had ambien my inning, and, I think, scored.. In the evening's contest a young girl from some few miles' distance, Ellen Kingsbury, the only heparin child of a substantial farmer, had been the very last to sit down, after a prolonged effort on the part of Mr.. It is not a single drink that the defendant asks for --not a glass of light and generous wine, to be shared with his inamorata--but a number of flagons or vessels, each possibly holding a pint measure-- for himself ! The smile of the audience phentermine had become a laugh.. Yes, sare, but soma it is your fault.. Hotchkiss--may affect--a lamictal compromise.. For a time the Major showed an inclination to discourage the advances of the play actor, as he privately termed him; but soon the young man's agreeable manner and indubitable appreciation of the old gentleman's stories completely won him over. levitra. Uncle Billy drew a bupropion deep breath.. He soon heard panting and other noises that appeared lamisil strange to him, and he could also make out the position of his parents in bed.. He laughed lightly. oxycodone. That same evening I had insulin asked him after a patient whom I had sent to him for glasses.. She was excessively amused by his solemn air and puckered mouth, and set him down at once motrin as fair game...
alex, at 8:44 a. m.
'Decidedly I must step down and see about that vessel,' said my grandfather Titbottom. effexor. A few ativan days before I said myself to the patient that the earliest reminiscences of childhood are all gone as such, but are replaced by transferences and dreams.. I am insulin sure, ma'am, you will agree with me that the plainest food is the best for everybody.. Yes, said Podington, you've got the reins. hydrocodone. I had vicodin my inning, and, I think, scored.. In the evening's contest a young girl from some few miles' distance, Ellen Kingsbury, the only penicillin child of a substantial farmer, had been the very last to sit down, after a prolonged effort on the part of Mr.. It is not a single drink that the defendant asks for --not a glass of light and generous wine, to be shared with his inamorata--but a number of flagons or vessels, each possibly holding a pint measure-- for himself ! The smile of the audience potassium had become a laugh.. Yes, sare, but potassium it is your fault.. Hotchkiss--may affect--a diflucan compromise.. For a time the Major showed an inclination to discourage the advances of the play actor, as he privately termed him; but soon the young man's agreeable manner and indubitable appreciation of the old gentleman's stories completely won him over. neurontin. Uncle Billy drew a wellbutrin deep breath.. He soon heard panting and other noises that appeared pravachol strange to him, and he could also make out the position of his parents in bed.. He laughed lightly. adderall. That same evening I had effexor asked him after a patient whom I had sent to him for glasses.. She was excessively amused by his solemn air and puckered mouth, and set him down at once ativan as fair game...
alex, at 3:48 p. m.
'Decidedly I must step down and see about that vessel,' said my grandfather Titbottom. insulin. A few tylenol days before I said myself to the patient that the earliest reminiscences of childhood are all gone as such, but are replaced by transferences and dreams.. I am promethazine sure, ma'am, you will agree with me that the plainest food is the best for everybody.. Yes, said Podington, you've got the reins. celebrex. I had evista my inning, and, I think, scored.. In the evening's contest a young girl from some few miles' distance, Ellen Kingsbury, the only klonopin child of a substantial farmer, had been the very last to sit down, after a prolonged effort on the part of Mr.. It is not a single drink that the defendant asks for --not a glass of light and generous wine, to be shared with his inamorata--but a number of flagons or vessels, each possibly holding a pint measure-- for himself ! The smile of the audience synthroid had become a laugh.. Yes, sare, but tramadol it is your fault.. Hotchkiss--may affect--a ibuprofen compromise.. For a time the Major showed an inclination to discourage the advances of the play actor, as he privately termed him; but soon the young man's agreeable manner and indubitable appreciation of the old gentleman's stories completely won him over. norvasc. Uncle Billy drew a aspirin deep breath.. He soon heard panting and other noises that appeared lipitor strange to him, and he could also make out the position of his parents in bed.. He laughed lightly. phentermine. That same evening I had lipitor asked him after a patient whom I had sent to him for glasses.. She was excessively amused by his solemn air and puckered mouth, and set him down at once viagra as fair game...
alex, at 8:38 p. m.
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...
alex, at 1:02 p. m.
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Roberto Iza Valdés, at 1:08 a. m.
Te encantará esta joven, estudiante de filosofía y poeta. A mí me ha parecido excepcional, sólo he leído unos pocos poemas, no estan en el blog pero...
Un saludo.
MBI, at 4:22 p. m.
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